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Whatsapp native capturing on rooted phones


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There Is any chances to get a new release of FS for rooted phones?? I didn't get any new versions since months...the old release doesn't allow me to read WHATSAPP messages in the native version.
Mr Dakota...any update??

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14 hours ago, Brutus66 said:

There Is any chances to get a new release of FS for rooted phones?? I didn't get any new versions since months...the old release doesn't allow me to read WHATSAPP messages in the native version.
Mr Dakota...any update??

Hi Brutus, looking into this.

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17 hours ago, Brutus66 said:

There Is any chances to get a new release of FS for rooted phones?? I didn't get any new versions since months...the old release doesn't allow me to read WHATSAPP messages in the native version.
Mr Dakota...any update??

Hi Brutus,

We are no longer maintaining the rooted binary except for security updates.

This is because there is a lot less demand for the rooted product, because of the restrictions involved in rooting, and because the non root product is much more powerful than before.

Our non root binary can now capture both sides of the WhatsApp conversation with native mode. App screenshots is also now available in non root and you can use this as a fallback

I know this is not what you want to hear but I hope you'll appreciate that the cost for R&D to determine the viability and then the development required is not commercially viable.

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On 7/11/2023 at 2:04 PM, Dakota said:

Hi Brutus,

We are no longer maintaining the rooted binary except for security updates.

This is because there is a lot less demand for the rooted product, because of the restrictions involved in rooting, and because the non root product is much more powerful than before.

Our non root binary can now capture both sides of the WhatsApp conversation with native mode. App screenshots is also now available in non root and you can use this as a fallback

I know this is not what you want to hear but I hope you'll appreciate that the cost for R&D to determine the viability and then the development required is not commercially viable.


I don't agree with you at all.
Flexispy on rooted phone is a bulletproof solution.
It's very difficult to find an antivirus able to discover and neutralize this app.
Years ago all the app installed on unrooted phone were discovered and distroyed buy google, I remember thtat very well.
On rooted phone is possible to upgrade to new release silently otherwise you need phisical access on unrooted phone uninstall the old version and install the new binary. This is not very easy to do unless with children.
A spyapp installed on a rooted phone can take the total control of the device and it's quite impossible to unistall.
How can I upgrade, force a restart, unistall the app without a rooted phone?
These are the reasons why flexispy has been different from all other software out there for years
Basically with a rooted phone and flexispy you can keep an eye on a target (with average computer knowledge) for years.
Sometimes the app doesn't work but a restart is enough and it works perfectly again, and this restart may not even be voluntary.
It's not the same with a non-rooted phone.
With Magisk you can overcome the problems of apps that do not work with rooted phones.
To stop the development of the executable for rooted phones is not a smart solution.
At last sell this version at the different price to recover the major costs of RD.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Dakota,
don't know how many users own rooted phones out there but I think they all deserve the right treatment.
Nobody must be left behind, we pay the license for a service and I think the software must be upgraded.
At last WAPP and FB, the most used apps.
To use screenshots is not the same thing, we miss voice messages e.g.
Please don't stop the development of binary for rooted phones.

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