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  1. Yesterday
  2. Seems like people would really need the assistance, especially in important audio recordings. If i find anything similar, i will share with you as well.
  3. Last week
  4. Hello @buddymartin440 Understood. We have yet to come across any community who are generally open to share their clips but if we do, we will make sure to let you know!
  5. Hi Mark, Thanks for the response, however i wasnt looking for any explanation for why the recordings arent always clear. I am not in any need of flexispy support or technical support about the app itself. I was looking for a community of people who generally share their clips and assist each other with various tools on cleaning up audio OR perspectives on what they hear in the recordings. Thanks.
  6. Hi @buddymartin440 Thanks for the clarification. It's crucial to keep in mind that when using features like Ambient Recording, which capture audio, several factors influence background noise, distortion, and vocal clarity. These factors primarily depend on the device's microphone quality and the recording environment. Feel free to explore our community posts and utilize our knowledge base articles here which may help you further.
  7. Hi @jonnaasmariya112 Thanks for reaching out! It's great to hear that you're taking steps to ensure your children's safety online. Here are our suggestions for best practices: 1. How do you manage and organize data from several devices? Our FlexiSPY portal is designed to list each of your licenses within your account. Simply log in your portal and access your Account section from your dashboard to manage each of your license and organize your data. 2. Are there specific settings or alerts that you find particularly useful? With FlexiSPY, you can set up alerts for Caller IDs, Keywords, and Location conveniently from your dashboard. Refer to our guide here. 3. How do you balance monitoring with respecting their privacy? It's crucial to maintain open communication with your children about the reasons behind using FlexiSPY. Let them know the boundaries and the type of information you will monitor. Respect their privacy by avoiding unnecessary intrusion into their personal conversations or activities that are not concerning. Ultimately, using FlexiSPY responsibly means striking a balance between protection and trust-building. Your dedication to using this tool effectively is commendable, and I'm sure your approach will help keep your children safe while fostering their independence online. Support
  8. Cleaning up, as in helping remove background noise, remove distortion, enhance vocals.
  9. Hello everyone, I am new to using FlexiSPY and would love some advice from experienced users. I have three teenage children and want to ensure they’re safe online without being overly intrusive. I’ve installed FlexiSPY on their devices but I am curious about the best practices for monitoring multiple devices efficiently. How do you manage and organize data from several devices: ?? Are there specific settings or alerts that you find particularly useful: ?? How do you balance monitoring with respecting their privacy: ?? Any tips, tricks or personal experiences would be greatly appreciated.... I want to use this tool responsibly and effectively so your insights would be invaluable. I also read this: https://newrelic.com/blog/how-to-relic/monitoring-multiple-devices-power-apps but couldn't get enough information so I am looking for more information. Thank you😀
  10. Hello, There was a brief server outage and has been resolved. We apologize for the inconvenience caused. Support
  11. Hello @buddymartin440 Thanks for your feedback! Could you please clarify what you mean by 'cleaning up audio recordings' and sharing content so we can guide you accordingly?
  12. hi Check for app compatibility with Android 14 or try using a different APK installer. financial management, and strategic business development, leveraging advanced technology for accuracy and efficiency
  13. When I get to 'Notification Access" and click it, the screen briefly opens and then closes. It is being blocked somehow. Any suggestions? Same thing happens for the 'Device Admin' setting. Update: These were being blocked by a parent control app that had to be uninstalled first.
  14. Is anyone having trouble logging in? Servers down again?
  15. Flexispy has been incredibly useful to me over the past few years. I have used the ambient recording tool to gather data that helps tremendously in my personal life. I was wondering if there was any forum that shares/assists with cleaning up audio recordings such as the ambient files. Even getting opinions on what others may hear. I enjoy the detective nature of it, and just havent found anywhere to share content. My recordings are of a more personal nature, and I'd rather share with others who may be using the tool for similar purposes, and prefer not to share with generic audio recording forums. Apologies if this has already been addressed, i searched but couldnt find any info. Thank you!
  16. Earlier
  17. It truly is the best option on the market and by a large margin.
  18. Dakota


    Welcome Coldingaze!
  19. Costano di meno i vostri concorrenti e di più facile installazione.
  20. I'm thrilled to join the FlexiSPY community. My name is Coldingaze, and I've recently started using FlexiSPY to ensure the safety and well-being of my family. I registered for this forum to learn more about the features and best practices for using the software effectively. I'm looking forward to engaging with all of you, sharing experiences, and learning from your expertise.
  21. The FlexiVIEW application? Here's how to install: https://support.flexispy.com/portal/en/kb/articles/how-to-download-flexiview
  22. I need a link to download the application. house of hazards
  23. My server is also down. basket random
  24. Yes, similar issues can occur with FlexiSPY if the Accessibility settings are turned off. Many of FlexiSPY's features, such as keylogging and monitoring certain apps, rely on Accessibility being enabled https://support.flexispy.com/portal/en/kb/articles/accessibility-setting block blast. If this setting is turned off, those features will not work. Unfortunately, you cannot remotely re-enable Accessibility settings on the target device. You will need physical access to the device to turn it back on.
  25. Hi, I think you should target phone has no sound and you don't have direct access to it there are a few steps you can try remotely. First ensure that the phone's volume settings are adjusted correctly and that the mute switch is off. If that doesn't work you may need to troubleshoot further by checking if there are any software updates available or restarting the phone. If the issue persists consider reaching out to the phone's manufacturer or service provider for additional assistance. Thanks
  26. Hi, I think you should appears you're receiving an Incompatible Application error when attempting to install the APK file (5002_5.4.1.apk) using the APK Installer on your rooted Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 5 running Android 14. To move forward consider checking if there is an updated APK version that supports Android 14 or explore alternative installation methods that are compatible with rooted devices. Thanks
  27. Hi, I think you should to confirm all features of our €100 internet plan are fully functional on the latest version of iOS. You can enjoy seamless access and performance across all your devices running iOS ensuring a smooth and reliable internet experience. Let me know if there is anything else you'd like to know. Thanks
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