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I want to know why my name and the question I asked in the forum are on Google - Search for anyone to see. And what about my privacy? If it is public, because to access the forum you must register, create password, etc? When I enrolled in Community Flexispy, I thought my privacy was guaranteed. It was with great surprise I discovered that everything I wrote in the forum is the Internet, without requiring any registration to access such information. This situation should be widely publicized so that anyone else is caught by surprise as I went.



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I want to know why my name and the question I asked in the forum are on Google - Search for anyone to see. And what about my privacy? If it is public, because to access the forum you must register, create password, etc? When I enrolled in Community Flexispy, I thought my privacy was guaranteed. It was with great surprise I discovered that everything I wrote in the forum is the Internet, without requiring any registration to access such information. This situation should be widely publicized so that anyone else is caught by surprise as I went.



Your question was already answered where you asked in another forum, although I'll repeat it here for convenience.

There are both private and public areas of the Community forums. NOTHING posted in the private (Customer Only) areas will be indexed by any search engine, and is not available for public view. Your registered email address is NEVER visible on these forums, and if you wish to change your DISPLAY NAME, you can do that at any time from your forum profile page.

We do ask that customers send a private message to the admin to request customer only access, to post in the private customer discussion areas. The Pre-Sales board is meant to be public, for the benefit of others who are also searching for product information. All of the public forums are clearly indicated inside the "FlexiSPY Public Zone" category. All other boards are in private, Customer Only areas. The boards in Customer Only categories can only be accessed by verified customers. Registering as a board member does not automatically provide access to these areas, which is why you must sign up using the same email address you registered your product with, and then send a request for access to the Admin. Registered members who are not granted customer status can see the customer only board names from the main page, but they cannot enter those boards or see any of the posted topics or other content.

Again, your email address is never visible to any member on the board itself, and your Display Name can be anything you want it to be.

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IT IS GOOD THAT ALL SEE HOW MUCH THIS COMPANY IF WORRIES ABOUT THE PRIVACY OF ITS " CLIENTES". I want to say that this is not a Forum any, this is a Forum that treats on a product that requires privacy in its use. I want to clarify that I made the research on behalf of " Aldovic" e not on behalf of the company " Flexispy" , this of to the research a personal in its information and not enterprise character (commercial). I want to also clarify that I still did not acquire, no product of this company, but that ahead of this fact, never I go to acquire any of its products, therefore it is well possible that are divulged in the Internet also, that I acquired a software spy for use in cellular telephone.

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As mentioned, there are parts of this forum that only customers can access and see and there are parts that the whole public can see. Therefore if you post something revealing in a public section then that is not our fault as you do not understand the implications and so should refrain from doing such a thing until you have purchased and then can post in the private section. As we have said, every forum on the internet is like this, not just ours.

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Aldovic you have been answered several time in multiple places. Your use of English isn't quite making sense to me, so I'm not sure you understand the answers you've been given. There is NO public visibility of ANY of our customers...not your email address or any other identifiable elements. YOU ARE POSTING IN A PUBLIC AREA. If you are a CUSTOMER and post in the CUSTOMER ONLY areas, there is no indexing of any search engine, and there is no public visibility. This restriction includes registered members who are not FlexiSPY customers. Only verified customers have access to the private, customer only areas. Your continued claim is nonsense and bordering on ridiculous. If you still don't understand, we've explained it as well as anyone could.

ALL members are anonymous, regardless of where you post. But Customer Only areas are also private areas. It is entirely normal that a forum have both public and private areas. No one is requesting that you post anything, anywhere. If you are a customer you can join the private areas. If you are not a customer then you will not have access to those areas.

Its also important to understand that the forums are not a part of the product and are not connected to any of your account data, but is simply a community service that FlexiSPY Support sponsors and manages. As such it is simply a way for our customers to address issues and maintain discussion between themselves, which we feel is a great service. The forums however are NOT official Support, and you are not required to become a member of the forums in order to receive first class Support from our official Support Center at http://support.flexispy.com.

There is never any information about any of our customers which is ever made public, for any reason. One more time, if you choose to post in a public area, your email address is never displayed to any member (or non-member), and your chosen Display Name is fully up to you.

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