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Text apps for iphone 3g


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Hello I am looking to purchase the Flexispy product. I do have some questions though. The target iphone has a texting app, will flexispy be able to record these texts too? Also is there an update as to when the ios 4.01 on the 3g will work with the pro-x? After purchase does flexispy help with links to a good safe jailbreaking software?

Thank you in advance!

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It's a free app Textfree Unlimited from Pinger, Inc. I am not talking about using that for the comand sms but rather the iphone user I know uses this free app because it is untrackable on the bill summary. Will FlexiSpy be able to track these texts in addition to the regular texts?

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It's a free app Textfree Unlimited from Pinger, Inc. I am not talking about using that for the comand sms but rather the iphone user I know uses this free app because it is untrackable on the bill summary. Will FlexiSpy be able to track these texts in addition to the regular texts?

I don't know what you mean by "un-trackable or regular" texts. If the user is sending SMS, there is no application that can make those texts untraceable, un-billable or somehow hidden from the very network that must deliver them. It may just be a utility like an alternative keyboard or something you can use to type SMS instead of the default SMS editor, but all SMS goes out and and comes in through the same network channel. If its SMS, its the same network communication no matter what editor or utility is used just to type it.

To be clear, FlexiSPY will capture all standard SMS communications on the iPhone. If it is an SMS, it will be captured. It will not capture Instant Messengers or other 3rd party internet chat utilities.

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I don't know what you mean by "un-trackable or regular" texts. If the user is sending SMS, there is no application that can make those texts untraceable, un-billable or somehow hidden from the very network that must deliver them. It may just be a utility like an alternative keyboard or something you can use to type SMS instead of the default SMS editor, but all SMS goes out and and comes in through the same network channel. If its SMS, its the same network communication no matter what editor or utility is used just to type it.

To be clear, FlexiSPY will capture all standard SMS communications on the iPhone. If it is an SMS, it will be captured. It will not capture Instant Messengers or other 3rd party internet chat utilities.

Hi Christian,

There are some app which send SMS over internet connection to their own SMS server for delivery to target.

By sending SMS from these kind of app, there is not any record on bill for sent sms.

Also there are some other application such as "What's Up" for iPhone users which is sending FREE SMS (Actually it is NOT SMS)

to users who have same application. These are just IM application and send IM message but as they do not need username, password

they pretend to be sending SMS.

So I think "biggix" is talking about these, not GSM based SMS.



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Hi Christian,

There are some app which send SMS over internet connection to their own SMS server for delivery to target.

By sending SMS from these kind of app, there is not any record on bill for sent sms.

Also there are some other application such as "What's Up" for iPhone users which is sending FREE SMS (Actually it is NOT SMS)

to users who have same application. These are just IM application and send IM message but as they do not need username, password

they pretend to be sending SMS.

So I think "biggix" is talking about these, not GSM based SMS.




That's a good observation. I know there is sometimes confusion about what an "sms" actually is. Let me clarify to be certain; if it is Internet based in any way, then it is not SMS. In the first case as MMM has mentioned, the user is not sending SMS. In this example the user is sending an Internet based message (through email or a type of IM service) to a 3rd party server, and that server is in turn sending the text message remotely. I would think most such services would cost a fee. If its by email, the program can capture the default email communications of course, if its configured as a pop account on the phone and the message is being sent that way. If its any kind of Instant Message internet service, that is not currently captured.

Thanks again MMM.


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Thanks! MMM hit the nail on the head the texting app can only be used with an internet connection which the iphone will have all the time. You answered my question that Flexispy won't be able to capture those texts...

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