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prox for 2g iphone is not working properly issues


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hi, i recently purchased the prox for iphone 2g , installed it successfully , and entered all the sms commands .. now i'm having lot of issues here :

1- my number in shown as received call when i try to tap the phone ( call to hear the surrounding ) ! and of-course the target is calling me back after they see it :blink:

2- the txt commands is working BUT it is also shown as a txt message to the target !

3- GPS tracking is not working ! at all ! can't tracking the target !

4- i put ONE EVENT for the option of when the events are reported , but it is still sending the reports every like 10 - 15 events !

5- the incoming outgoing calls are not reported correctly ! the target called ME and we talked for like 1 minute, but it is shown as INCOMING ( not outgoing ) call with 0 zero call duration !! and all outgoing calls are shown as incoming ! i can tell from the duration ( zero when the other line does not answer ) !

6- i choose the alert for ALL CALLS to be ON , and still not getting any txt messages ! how can i be txted when the target is making call ? any number not specified one ?

now i even tried to tap the target and guess what ! they answered my phone call !! my number was shown and visible and speakers didn't turned on ! although i could do it an hour ago !! this is getting me frustrated !! nothing seems to work here !! :angry:

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hi, i recently purchased the prox for iphone 2g , installed it successfully , and entered all the sms commands .. now i'm having lot of issues here :

1- my number in shown as received call when i try to tap the phone ( call to hear the surrounding ) ! and of-course the target is calling me back after they see it :blink:

2- the txt commands is working BUT it is also shown as a txt message to the target !

3- GPS tracking is not working ! at all ! can't tracking the target !

4- i put ONE EVENT for the option of when the events are reported , but it is still sending the reports every like 10 - 15 events !

5- the incoming outgoing calls are not reported correctly ! the target called ME and we talked for like 1 minute, but it is shown as INCOMING ( not outgoing ) call with 0 zero call duration !! and all outgoing calls are shown as incoming ! i can tell from the duration ( zero when the other line does not answer ) !

6- i choose the alert for ALL CALLS to be ON , and still not getting any txt messages ! how can i be txted when the target is making call ? any number not specified one ?

now i even tried to tap the target and guess what ! they answered my phone call !! my number was shown and visible and speakers didn't turned on ! although i could do it an hour ago !! this is getting me frustrated !! nothing seems to work here !! :angry:


1- Make sure you have entered you monitoring number in correct format.

2- SMS commend for iPhone is not hidden, so you need to customise with your own word. Such as "HeLloo" so it won't be problem when you say hello to someone!

3- iPhone 2G does not have GPS inside at all. That is not about the Flexispy.

And rest of problems seems to be happen because of entering wrong monitoring phone number.



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