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Push commands


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Again there is a problem with syncing and using push commands. Restarted the target 3 times but after one sync it either wont sync or when it does sync i cant use push commands and "device setting last update" does not updating and actually it is impossible to use push commands.

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Anche io è tutto il giorno che riscontro problemi simili ai tuoi nonostante il riavvio del dispositivo più volte. Comandi che non partono, estremo ritardo nella ricezione di quel poco che si riesce a inviare. Un disastro!!!

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Yes, commands for my non-rooted are not working since day before. Haven't received a response from the support team after sending tickets addressing the issue

If this is an overall issue faced by many, then there should be some response as to when Flexispy team will be able to sort it out.



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