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DROID 2 Power Issues

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I purchased a DROID 2 yesterday and installed FACE on it as soon as I left the store. The installation was simple and everything seems to be working flawlessly....with one exception: The battery died completely in less than 8 hours when running the software. I had originally set FACE to poll GPS every minute to test. I then changed this to hourly. I set the minimum events to 15 and the timer to 1 hour.

The target user told me that they were having battery issues, so I remotely disabled the GPS, and set the minimum events to 250 and the timer to 6 hours. The phone completely died less than 3 hours later.

I have a few questions:

1. If the GPS is enabled, but unable to target a location, does it continue to repeatedly attempt a location until it gets one, or does the timer restart upon an unsuccessful location query?

2. I understand that the program is always running continuously in the background, but does anyone know if this puts a constant heavy load on the battery? The battery has been hot to the touch several times while not in use.

I have adjusted the polling intervals....and hopefully this does the trick....or I may have to uninstall from the target device...which I DO NOT want to do.

Any and all opinions are welcome. Thanks.

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