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First post here... :)

I have been a happy user of Flexispy to monitor an iphone 3G since late 2009. I am now concerned about the rollout of Apple IOS4 and how this will impact the Flexispy

function. Can anyone here share information with me on this topic?

Thanks in advance.

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me too. IOS4 on a 3g. When can I expect an official version.

Will the current version function anyway?

I also have a question re: Call Intercept.

I have read in other posts that there is a 'beep' and a quick phone number flash.

Is that true for a 3g on the AT&T network.

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First of all, please address technical questions to the Peer-To-Peer Support board, or submit a Ticket for official support contact. If you don't have access to the customer forum area and you've registered with your customer email address, send me a quick PM through the board and I'll adjust your access. I realize many people are posting in this public area and we'll probably re-organize the board soon to address that.

As for IOS 4.0, it has just recently hit the market and I'm not sure that everyone is yet capable of jailbreaking it. That's the first step of installing anything that doesn't come straight out of the Apple controlled App Store. But also, as with all developers we're going to need some time with IOS 4.0 to update our software and test it before releasing a new version. IOS 4.0 is a major change that is likely to break a lot of iPhone applications. Apple hasn't made any pre-releases available to us or any other 3rd party developers that I know of, so we will all need to be a little patient. Hopefully we will have a 4.0 compatible version available soon that everyone will be happy with, but its just too early to offer any more information than that yet. We'll of course update everyone as soon as possible, on the web site, the forums and the Support Center.

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As for IOS 4.0, it has just recently hit the market and I'm not sure that everyone is yet capable of jailbreaking it. That's the first step of installing anything that doesn't come straight out of the Apple controlled App Store. But also, as with all developers we're going to need some time with IOS 4.0 to update our software and test it before releasing a new version. IOS 4.0 is a major change that is likely to break a lot of iPhone applications. Apple hasn't made any pre-releases available to us or any other 3rd party developers that I know of, so we will all need to be a little patient. Hopefully we will have a 4.0 compatible version available soon that everyone will be happy with, but its just too early to offer any more information than that yet. We'll of course update everyone as soon as possible, on the web site, the forums and the Support Center.

Excellent - thank you for your prompt reply. I will be a customer as soon as IOS 4.0 is supported.

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  • 2 months later...

I have an iPhone 3gs 3.1.3 with a firmware 4.0.1 update. Does the flexispy work if the firmware was upgraded from 3GS 3.1.3 to 4.0


No, it does not work with any iOS 4.X at this time.

Does not meter upgraded from any version.

Flexispy is compatible with iPhone OS 2.X and 3.X only at this time.

They are working on an update to make it compatible with iOS 4 but this will take time.

You need to check supported phone list and follow up news section.

Best Regards...


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