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Question About Ambient Recording


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I have a question. Over a period of a day and a half or so I did numerous ambient recordings and RemVideo recordings. About half way through the day yesterday all my scheduled recordings stopped processing and no RemVid commands would work. I have since sent new commands with no luck. My question is, did my recordings stop working because I maxed out the amount I am able to do per day or for a period of time? If so, what is the maximum so I am sure not to go over again? Thanks!!!

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Update, it turns out the target device just needed to restart. The battery died in the night shutting it off. This morning when plugged in and turned on, all audio and video recording functions are working perfectly. All of the commands I sent yesterday are going through today after the reboot. 

The moral of the story for myself and other users looking for help is that FlexiSpy functions perfectly probably 99.9% of the time and the issues we run into are with the target device and it's connection to internet. Seems like a reboot sets everything right!

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