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website stopped showing the captured events

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The website suddenly stopped showing the captured events in the middle of the day a few days ago. I have have tried sending a remote command and have accessed the application settings page on the target phone by using the *#flexikey number and it is set to enable capture of all 3 types of events with the delivery set to one hour and max event capture set to one. The target phone is a Sprint HTC Hero. What else can I try?

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The website suddenly stopped showing the captured events in the middle of the day a few days ago. I have have tried sending a remote command and have accessed the application settings page on the target phone by using the *#flexikey number and it is set to enable capture of all 3 types of events with the delivery set to one hour and max event capture set to one. The target phone is a Sprint HTC Hero. What else can I try?

If the program is still running, then this is most likely an internet issue. Please send command for Diagnostic Report, and include the Diagnostic reply with a description of the problem in an official Ticket. You can submit the Ticket from http://support.flexispy.com

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The diagnostic showed that the phone is still capturing events, but they are not getting to the website. Is there any way to reset the transfer to the web page? I submitted a ticket and they said to wait and see if it resets. It has been 6 days now.

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The diagnostic showed that the phone is still capturing events, but they are not getting to the website. Is there any way to reset the transfer to the web page? I submitted a ticket and they said to wait and see if it resets. It has been 6 days now.

I would be surprised if that is the ONLY thing they advised. If you are sure it is still capturing events but its just not reporting, then this is an Internet connection issue. Possibly the Internet settings have changed. Have you sent command to report immediately, to force the connection on demand? Also, make sure that its really not connecting, by going to your web account and checking the last connected date/time that shows on your Profile page.

If you still need help, log into the Support Center and then click on VIEW TICKETS to find your original Ticket and reply to it. The ticket status will be shown as "closed" if its already been replied to, but once you reply again it will go back to an "open" status and appear in the Support queue to be answered. Then we can follow up with you further.

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How do I send the command to report immediately other than having the setting to report with 1 event? Another diagnostic shows that the target phone is still capturing events and responding to remote commands, but the website shows in my profile that my last connect date was on April 2nd at about 2:30 PM. When I went back to my ticket, they suggested I deactivate, uninstall and reinstall. I have limited access to the target phone. Is there a way to remotely reset the website or send the command to report immediately?

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How do I send the command to report immediately other than having the setting to report with 1 event? Another diagnostic shows that the target phone is still capturing events and responding to remote commands, but the website shows in my profile that my last connect date was on April 2nd at about 2:30 PM. When I went back to my ticket, they suggested I deactivate, uninstall and reinstall. I have limited access to the target phone. Is there a way to remotely reset the website or send the command to report immediately?

Well, offhand I do not recall if this command is included with this first version of FlexiSPY Android or not, I'd have to look. But all available commands are listed in your software manual. Please check the manual to see all available SMS commands.

If the program is responding by sending you the Diagnostic Report then it is clearly still running, but if you aren't receiving web events and the Profile page doesn't show a recent connection, then this means that either you don't have capturing and reporting turned on (verify this status from the Diagnostic Report) OR it cannot make the Internet connection for some reason.

If the Diagnostic shows that its turned on for capture, then it should also show how many events of each kind it has so far captured but has not yet reported. All of this is in the Diagnostic Report, to show what is and is not working. If its capturing but not reporting, the only thing you can do is get the Target into your hands to verify the Internet connection is working for yourself. If it is, then something else may be interfering and the only other thing you might be able to do is uninstall/reinstall. But verify that you've got GPRS Internet working. Try streaming a video from youtube.com in the phone's web browser. If that works then FlexiSPY should work. If not, reinstall.

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So I finally figured out after I unistalled the program that it was the mobile network on the target phone that was not connected. So I reinstalled. I have uninstalled and reinstalled twice now and each time I reinstall, it downloads the program again on the phone. How do I get rid of the 1st two downloads?

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So I finally figured out after I unistalled the program that it was the mobile network on the target phone that was not connected. So I reinstalled. I have uninstalled and reinstalled twice now and each time I reinstall, it downloads the program again on the phone. How do I get rid of the 1st two downloads?

Where the original file is downloaded depends on the browser configuration. If you download again and the original file wasn't deleted, it will most likely rename the new download (put a 1 at the end of the filename, etc.). To see a list of all downloaded files, open the browser and click the MENU button, then click MORE, then click DOWNLOADS for the complete download history list. From here you can delete any downloaded file. It is safe to delete the installation file after installing the software, or any multiple copies of this file.

Because its a free product and this forum is easy to access by the public, I'd rather not post the name of the file here. But you can either submit a ticket to ask or you can just attempt to download it again to find out.

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  • 3 months later...

Having same issue here.

Sent Enable capture command with delivery report and it returned

[67 1.00.8][60] OK

I pulled up our phone service provider and it shows messages sent and received but the service has not connected with the phone since 1030pm (15 hrs ago)

Android Manual does not give you command for report immediately

Sent the SMS Command to change event settings

Then seven minutes later I sent the command to send diagnostic message to Monitor phone and this came back:

1> 67, 1.00.8

2> HTC Dream, 2.2







15>17> 310,26



28>network, passive, gps

Then 2 minutes later my daughter sent me a text saying: Huh?

I told her disregard, I was conducting a remote service upgrade/diagnostic of the SIM Card. she said Oh OK

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Just checked again and I can see the incoming messages from today but none of the outgoing and I have been texting back and forth with her all day????? The last outgoing message it shows was about 15 hrs ago

Please submit this to us as a support ticket and please also include any diagnostic reports that you have and we will look in to it for you.

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