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Flexi is the Best. Please add this to new version

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Ive been with these guys with other phones for about two years. Excellent service and everything does what its suppose to. All you have to do is enter everything exactly as instructed. But, there is one thing that is a dead give away with the Pro-X version. When the target phone receives a call from the monitor phone (call intercept feature on), the screen lights up as if someone is calling in. Or, when the target phone is in use, the the user of the phone will hear a beep. I saw that this was eliminated on the windows version of Pro-X. I sure hope the guys at FLEXI can make this with the new version for the Droid also. (hint hint)

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  • 7 months later...

Absolutely :)

Same here. Waiting for confirmation this has been taken care of. It was a huge problem on a previous installation on a BB Bold 9000. Beep during intercept call. Red light flicker for remote monitoring. Also, It showed on the BB in the application list. Once I know these 3 issues are in the past I will buy again. Thanks.

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