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Monitor number shows up ad failed call


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When making a spycall to listen in... I'm having trouble it works great even if phone is plugged in charging but my problem is a lot of times when target phone is opened the first thing they see is a failed call from the monitor number witch courses suspicions having had to have the phone changed twice thinking there is an issue with the iPhone 4s but this is phone number 3 ....I wasn't having thus problem before the new update I'm great full for the increas in battery life it's fantastic ... Gps isn't 100% accurate bug not an issue so is there away to fix this glitch call failed indicated

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Hello Miriam.

We are aware of the call log issue and we are working to resolve it in a future release. In terms of GPS accuracy remember that our software does not interact with GPS in any way. The software only gets the GPS data passed to it from the phone itself. This means that factors such as phone location (indoor vs outdoor), signal strength (low GPS signal or no signal means no data or inaccurate data) or the GPS positioning method used by the phone GPS hardware or network provider (either together or individually) can all contribute to the accuracy of the GPS data you recieve in your web account.

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Did the new update on aug 29th fix the call failed glitch ?


From your description I think you are using an iOS version 4.x on that iPhone Target. If you upgrade to iOS 5.1.1, jailbreak again and reinstall, the issue you mention does not exist in the 5.x version. However I must warn you that many changes have occurred in the audio processing methods between iOS 4.x and iOS 5.x. At this time I would recommend you stay with your current iOS 4.x version because room monitoring in this version is much more sensitive with the mic, and therefore easier to hear a greater range around the phone. In the updated iOS 5.x version some new noise cancellation changes have been introduced which can interfere with the sensitivity of the mic when listening remotely. So its kind of your choice about what is more important in that case, but SpyCall functions better in your current version.

These things happen and should be expected. Every time there is an update from Apple, developers don't receive advanced notice of such changes and have to play catch up from all industries. We are of course always working on updating and improving our software, but its a cat and mouse game so things will tend to work better in some versions than in others, until the next update and the whole cycle starts over again. This is the nature of software development, and maybe more so in the world of discreet apps such as ours.

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You know what would be awesome? If you guys could do an update to your versions for iOS 4.x which would allow spycalls to go through while the phone is on charger (like you can on the version for iOS 5.x). Those of us who are still using the 4.x software because of the spycall issues with 5.x (until those are fixed--I know you are still working on a way to turn on the speakerphone for 5.x like you did in 4.x and I hope this happens soon) would benefit greatly from this. Any chance of this happening?

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Oh, and I don't think Miriam is using a 4.x version because of the mention of making spycalls while charging. So far only the 4.x versions can do that I think (though I wish the 4.x versions would allow that). I think Miriam has bypassed the problems with non-speakerphone spycalls in the 5.x versions because the target always has the headphones plugged in which bypasses the noise cancellation in handset mode. That solution works but most targets will not keep headphones plugged in all the time or don't use them.

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I am in fact on ios 5.1.1 iPhone 4s .... Spy call isn't do great if earphones arnt in or it's a larger room it hurts my ears to even listen but in smaller rooms or cars it's not do bad.... But compared to the iPhone 3GS I had before its defently a let down and if anyone has ever used the galaxy S android that speaker phone picks up every little thing ... But that's not my problem I'm getting the call failed screen u know the one you get when a call losses signal on iPhone it started with the aug 7 update before it wasn't happening but not if my spy call is diconectd to a signal lose as soon as the target phone is opened to home screen he sees call failed and monitor number ( my number) it doesn't show up in call logs just the call fail notification it's coused the phone to be switched out by apple 2 times already does anyone else have this problem or is it just me?

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We are working to fix both the spycall issues and the failed call notification issues mentioned here in our next iPhone release although I cannot say when that will be. All I can say is that we are aware of the issues, we thank you for also bringing them to light, and we are working to resolve them as quickly as possible.

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I hope you can fix them before Sept. 12th. That's when things get dicey because they are going to release iOS 6 then. I have one target still on 4.x because of the spycall issues, but would love to move to iOS 5.1.1 for some of the new features. Unfortunately, once iOS 6 is out, that will be the only upgrade option, and therefore there will be no ability to upgrade :(

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Hello Peter.

We are well aware of the impending release of the new iPhone and OS 6. Obviously though, OS 6 needs to also have an untethered jailbreak as well before we can really start to promote the new version of our software that is compatible with iOS 6. This may take some time (it took a while for OS 5 to have an untethered jailbreak) and so hopefully, by then, we should have fixed a few of the more stubborn issues with the iPhone version.

Thanks again for your continued support and valuable feedback, it is always appreciated.

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Oh I'm not asking for an iOS 6 version. I'm hoping you guys will find a fix for the spycall problems in iOS 5.x before the iOS 6 release. The reason why is that I still have a target that is on iOS 4.3.3 using Flexispy (and the version for iOS 4.x of Flexispy uses the speakerphone for spycalls which works properly). I've been holding off upgrading it to iOS 5 because of the spycall issues. Once iOS 6 is released, I won't be able to upgrade it to iOS 5 anymore...so at that point I'll have to wait until you have a working version for iOS 6...which as you said could be a while. That's why I'm hoping you fix the spycall problems for the iOS 5.x version before the 12th...so I'll be able to upgrade the target to iOS 5 and use that. Apple won't allow me to upgrade it to iOS 5.1.1 any more after that...it'll only upgrade to iOS 6.

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Hello Peter.

I believe the iPhone 4S had improved noise cancellation for the microphone which did not help spycall but the iPhone 4 uses older hardware and so an older mic which does not have that problem. It may be a case of you needing the TARGET phone(s) to be standard iPhone 4, regardless of the OS version. We have noticed spycall differences in terms of the normal iPhone 4 and 4S, regardless of OS version, due to the differing mics in each model. This is why it may take us a while to resolve this issue, we have to make sure it works on both handsets types and all current OS versions.

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Hi Ian,

Actually the iPhone 4 and iPhone 4S should be identical with the noise cancellation issue. Both use the upper mic during handset-mode calls to sample the ambient noise in the area and subtract it from the sound heard at the lower mics. This works well for normal phone calls because normally the user has the phone up to their face, so the upper mic barely hears the sound of their voice but hears all the background noise--so the background noise is removed and the user's voice comes in clearly. If the phone is sitting on the table away from everything, both the upper mic and the lower mics hear roughly the same thing and most of the sounds are cancelled out--that's why it doesn't work to have spycalls answered in handset mode. Speakerphone mode only uses the upper microphone and no noise cancellation is used, so it works amazingly well.

I've used both the iPhone 4, and the iPhone 4S and both have the spycall issue--pretty badly. Now, in your iOS 4.x versions of Flexispy, you turned on the speakerphone for spycalls on the iPhone 4, and it worked FANTASTIC.

The previous generation iPhone 3 and 3GS didn't have this problem because they didn't include a second top mic and noise cancellation. From what I understand, I believe using speakerphone during spycalls is going to be the only real way to fix this issue starting with the iPhone 4 and going up to the new iPhone coming out (which will also feature noise cancellation in handset mode).

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Hello Peter.

We always value any feedback that you give us so there is no need to apologise. I can assure you now that we have taken your suggestions in to consideraton and we are actively working to solve this iPhone spycall issue but unfortunately I cannot say when a fix will be released.

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