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not connected after restart


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Unfortunately the IMS function does not work for rooted phones. flexispy hasn't updated the root version of the software for more than 1 year. For the chat I use app screenshot. for voip calls I seem to remember that they work but we almost never use them

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do you have the same problem that from time to time app screenshoot stoped working and only reboot the device hel to work again? 

Im not sure about using the software on a unrooted phone, really would like to know about how high the risk is that the software will be detected by security and sto working then

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 10/24/2023 at 8:00 AM, yelazu said:

had abmnyone this problem before? I had restart the device and after it it was connected to the server again. The device is online with stable wifi

Experienced this issue once! A device restart worked for me too. Once back online with a stable WiFi connection, everything was good. Glad it's a quick fix.

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