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Android EPIC


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I'm new to flexispy. I want to purchase this product to install Flexispy onto an Android. It is a Sprint Samsung Epic. I will be intercepting from a new blackberry style OS 6. Is this going to work? If not, are you currently working on a version that will? When might you expect it? I have credit card in hand and am ready to purchase, just need to know it works on the Epic Androids and that I can intercept with my BB style flip phone. I'm not sure I posted in the correct area, still learning the site. Thank you in advance and I really hope that I can purchase this software today. -spygirl :blink:

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The software is installed onto the target phone, not the monitor phone, and you will actually need to have it physically in your hands to install it. We currently don't support BlackBerry OS 6, but we're working on it. I wish I had a release date for you, but there's no definitive release date yet. You can sign up on our homepage under the "StayUp2Date" section and this will inform you of new releases and updates.

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