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Restore Cycia ??!!!!

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I find it hard to believe that there is not a way to restore the Cydia package installer after this program removes it. One slight mistouch and Cydia is now gone. What could be more obvious that something has happened to a phone by the user, than when their Jailbreak is seemingly gone.

This is a nightmare. I found a reference to getting it back if ssh was enabled, but it is not. Any body else out there get the application loader functioning again after this programs strips it?

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I find it hard to believe that there is not a way to restore the Cydia package installer after this program removes it. One slight mistouch and Cydia is now gone. What could be more obvious that something has happened to a phone by the user, than when their Jailbreak is seemingly gone.

This is a nightmare. I found a reference to getting it back if ssh was enabled, but it is not. Any body else out there get the application loader functioning again after this programs strips it?

FlexiSPY does not strip anything. Following the steps in the manual, your attention is drawn to an option in the settings menu to hide Cydia. This is not done by default, and will only happen if you choose this option (hide jailbreak status).

Most people do choose to hide Cydia, because the large majority of iPhone users do not already have a jailbroken iPhone when you need to install FlexiSPY, and hiding Cydia is hiding the jailbreak status. Most people would notice the new icon for Cydia if it wasn't there before. Also, if you open Cydia after the software is installed, Cydia will show all the software sources that have been installed through it. So this would include the source address for FlexiSPY as well, and deleting this source address would disable the software.

But again this is your choice from the settings menu. Cydia is never hidden by default, but only when you choose this option. It is true that the only way to recover the Cydia icon after its been hidden is to jailbreak the device again, but that has nothing to do with FlexiSPY.

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  • 4 months later...

"Also, if you open Cydia after the software is installed, Cydia will show all the software sources that have been installed through it. So this would include the source address for FlexiSPY as well, and deleting this source address would disable the software."

But this is what the instructons say about Cidia, the program remains installed !

"If you did not hide the Cydia (jailbreak) icon, you can still choose to remove the FlexiSPY sources from Cydia, so there is no trace of having installed FlexiSPY. To remove the FlexiSPY Cydia sources (program remains in-stalled), follow these steps"

So If I installed this on someone who uses Cidia, there's no way for me to remove the source to avoid detection of this?

Let's Suppose Im Using Pro X on iphone version 3.1.2

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"Also, if you open Cydia after the software is installed, Cydia will show all the software sources that have been installed through it. So this would include the source address for FlexiSPY as well, and deleting this source address would disable the software."

But this is what the instructons say about Cidia, the program remains installed !

"If you did not hide the Cydia (jailbreak) icon, you can still choose to remove the FlexiSPY sources from Cydia, so there is no trace of having installed FlexiSPY. To remove the FlexiSPY Cydia sources (program remains in-stalled), follow these steps"

So If I installed this on someone who uses Cidia, there's no way for me to remove the source to avoid detection of this?

Let's Suppose Im Using Pro X on iphone version 3.1.2

FlexiSPY must be installed via Cydia, the same as all applications that require jailbreak status (anything not installed directly from iTunes / the Apple controlled App Store). Therefore if you want to fully hide FlexiSPY, you will need to hide/remove the Cydia icon. This is not usually a problem as most iPhone users do not jailbreak their phones, and Cydia only shows up by jailbreaking. If you want to install FlexiSPY on a phone in which the Target user has deliberately jailbroken his phone, is aware of Cydia and uses it himself, then you can still hide the Cydia icon but the user may end up reformatting/re-jailbreaking his phone to get it back. Again, this is not too common as most people don't jailbreak, and Apple strongly discourages them from doing so. However this is simply the limitation that all applications outside of Apple's direct control must endure, as there is no other way to install such an application.

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I don't know how the flexi software hide cydia but I think it is not just "hide" as it is definitive..

Well just want to try to bring some elements about a show/hide Cydia Application Icon simple method.

- Just go to your iphone (root login) folder with ssh (you will google for the how to edit a file with ssh....)

- Go to directory /Applications/Cydia.app/ and edit the info.plist file.

- locate the </dict> word and insert this block just before (not after):





- respring or restart your iphone then the cydia icon is hidden on the springboard and in the search panel.

- That's all

If you want to show back the icon then re-edit the file, remove the added block, respring or restart..done

This method works for all apps from iphone os 2 to iphone os 4.1

For flexispy s/y engineers: maybe this can be performed by the flexispy toggle "hide jailbreak"....thus allow the user to hide and restore the same way it does on the MBackup app?

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