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odd calls showing on reports for target phone

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I have successfully place FACE on to a Moto Droid and have some questions about the information that I am receiving on reports. My first question is about a odd call that keeps showing up. It shows as: 3 VOICE IN Incoming 0:02:08 -2 23/10/10 13:56:47 23/10/10 14:13:14 Basically it is saying that a 2 minute phone call was received. The number that called the target phone is 2, that's it, just 2. How is that possible.

The other question is more of a problem. There are times that I know where the target phone is and no need to have GPS information, other times I do not know where it is at want to get reports more frequently than I originally set up with more hits for direction of travel. When I send a text command to the target phone from my phone, it shows up as a text message that is readable. An example of one such message is <*#52><FlexiKey><1><8> The target phone was able to view the message, and the setting was not changed.I can however change the setting manually on the phone by *#FlexiKey and then manually manipulate the settings.

Any help or assistance would be greatly appreciated.

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One other problem that I have noticed but forgot to type. I have the target phone set to report every 2 hours or 6 events with GPS set to update every 20 minutes. The reports that I receive come only every 2 hours, sometimes it has been 3 hours between one report and then one hour to the next report. It was my understanding that by setting it up this way, I would receive a report every two hours at the maximum as there would be 6 GPS fixes in that time, but if calls were made or texts sent and received, the target would report sooner. Is this incorrect? Is there a setting that I should change to set the target phone up this way?

I would really like to have a full version of this for Android phones, is there any ETA on the arrival of the program so that voice and other features are enabled?

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  • 2 weeks later...

UPDATE: The number showing as -1 appears as unidentified on the target handset.

I think it was a call from a call centre offering some sort free make-over, many of the target phones owners friends received the same call.

So nothing suspicious however does this mean that ex-directory numbers or corporate numbers are immune to being identified?

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These observations are interesting. I don't claim to have a complete answer, but I do have a few thoughts.

The program doesn't directly read what is being displayed on the Caller ID display, but is getting the incoming number from the device itself. Its possible that internally, a coded number like -1 or 2 could be used (like a flag) to instruct what should be seen on the Caller ID display (Unknown or Private). Of course these numbers shouldn't be showing in the call logs on the server, but if you notice a consistency about this, then at least you'll know what those numbers mean when you see them. In any case, if you don't see a complete number in the call logs online, it still means we didn't get a full number because it just wasn't available. If its from a call center or similar trunk line, it might be the only part of the ANI that was available. For example a call center rep picks up the line and dials 2 to get his outside line, and this 2 is the only ID that you see. That's just a guess but it could happen; we get that number from somewhere, but it probably just registers as Unknown or Private on the phone.

The Report Timer settings mean that it will report once per every X minutes or once per every X number of captured events, whichever comes first. But the GPS capture frequency is a separate timer. You might be capturing GPS every 5 minutes but location still only gets reported with all other captured events, according to the general Report Timer settings. If you set to report once every hour and/or every 10 events and it takes 3 hours to get 9 events, it could be that there just wasn't any activity to report during the first 2 hours, and it still hadn't logged 10 events until the 3rd hour (when it would report 9 from the past hour even it it still hadn't logged 10 yet). For GPS, you may not get new Locations until the phone has moved a sufficient distance to actually register a different position.

You can always check the Profile page of your online web account (or send command for Diagnostic Report), and look for the "last connected date/time" display. If there are any internet or connection issues (or if the phone is off, roaming, out of credit or etc), then it also can't report anything until the connection can be restored.

I can't think of any reason why the command would appear as a visible SMS, assuming it was sent exactly and properly. Unless its possible that the component which is listening and waiting for SMS commands has crashed. The program is running more than one process for separate functions, so it could be that part of it had been stopped for some reason, or stopped momentarily, or queued for execution by the OS if the memory or storage state became very low on the device. I wouldn't worry too much about this actually, unless it happens more frequently, and then if so I would check to see how much available ram and storage are still free on the device. If its running too hard you could expect a variety of similar problems occurring even under normal use.


I was just in a development meeting about the upcoming commercial release of Android Pro-X. I've also seen and performed both SpyCall and Intercept Call with my own hands. I'm hesitant to give a window on the release period, but I would estimate end of the year if not sooner. Watch our blogs for more information and other updates coming soon.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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  • 3 weeks later...

I usually see -1 when the target phone has a call in session and receives another incoming call. Checking the call logs on the phone provider's site shows the correct number.

I have also seen two calls merged, ie., the target phone has a call in progress, then, receives a new call and switches over to the new call. The time for the previous call and the new call were summed and reported as the call duration/time initiated for the first call.

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