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Want to renew your account for free?

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Do you want to renew your account for free? 
We hope that’s because FlexiSPY has been useful for you.
That’s why we are asking you to share your FlexiSPY  experience  with our community. 

You never know, your words could change someone’s life.
Just write a short post of 1000 words or more,  and post it to our community forum and in return, we will extend your subscription by a month. 
Don’t worry if you are not a natural writer, it's what you have to say that’s important, not how you say it.
Here is a suggestion as to what you might write about.
•    The reason you bought FlexiSPY 
•    What you discovered 
•    How your life has changed with this new knowledge. 
•    Any wisdom that you want to pass on to others.
To post, you must be logged in to your community account. If you do not have an account already, go ahead and register here
After you've logged in, click here to post →
Once you've posted, please let us know by emailing us at [email protected]

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